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« Suphanburi Province: A Day Trip Northwest Of Bangkok | Main | Out and About in Pakkret, My Hometown »

20K Bike Ride Around the "Green Lung of Bangkok"

Prapadaeng Island, or more commonly known as 'the Green Lung of Bangkok,' is a large bend in the Chao Phraya River that, despite its close proximity to the city of Bangkok, remains surprisingly a beautiful slice of wild nature . . . mostly as mangrove swamps.


Prapadaeng is not very developed for cars, but is highly developed for bicycle riding on these elevated paths.  Not all the bike paths have these guard rails, some are quite frightening . . . but fun.


Although there are a few small roads, and a few cars around, most of Prapadaeng is still mangrove and palm swamp.


I did not go biking alone, but some of the fun-loving faculty, staff and administrators of the King Mongkut University of Science North Bangkok, where I am currently employed.


Our ride was in three parts, first we rode to a Wat to receive a blessing form the monks.


Our monk blessed us.


The small wat was very pleasant.  The monk on the left held the ancient traditional Buddhist iPhone.


The next leg of our journey was to a wonderful riverside restaurant for a tasty Thai lunch.


The restaurant gate.


We took our lunch out on a sala over the river, but they had an old house section too for eating.


Mick, an English teacher, was happy we were going to eat in the sala.


While we ate we watched several ocean going ships navigate up the river to the Port of Bangkok.


After lunch we literally rode 20 meters to a coffee and dessert shop, Treetops, next door!


The Treehouse is a beautiful place.  We ordered and enjoyed some excellent coffee and an array of desserts.


The Treehouse has several rooms for rent.  It would be nice to stay out there one night.


After lunch, coffee, and dessert, we rode along the river toward the Botanical Garden.


There was some small holding agriculture here and there . .  and the requisite spirit houses too.


Everyone commented about how wonderful it was that such pristine nature was so close to Bangkok.


There were many different kinds of plants in the Botanical Garden. Duh!


At the Botanical Garden, I climbed the observation tower to take some novelty photos . . . and ones of the wonderful nature.


The view from the tower.  Our university van picked us up at the Botanical Garden and took us home.  We had a great day out and about.

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