My most current blog entry:
Entries in Thailand (81)
Minburi Market Walkabout

The Minburi Market is actually a collection of three very large open markets in the northern suburb of Bangkok. My friend John and I drove there from his house.
My photographer friend, John and I love to skulk the old back alleys in and around the Minburi Market for textures and patterns.
I'm always rewarded here with finding one of my favorite photographic subjects: aged and rusting corrugation.
Pealing paint, rust, dilapidated corrugation . . . all the things I love to photograph.
This old neighborhood is just outside the actual Minburi Market wet market area . . . on the way from where we parked.
Narrow elevated walkways suspended above a flooded field. So much to see.
Patterns on top of patterns on top of dilapidation covered by corrugation. It doesn't get any better!!!
What the heck? It seems we stumbled upon a Thai movie set. The authenticity of this sold 1940s neighborhood played perfectly into a setting of wartime Japanese occupation.
A perfect period setting for a WWII movie. At this point a young production assistant came over and said we would have to leave the set and not to take any photos. Oops! Too late!
If you look closely you see many small details that reflect the spiritual interests of the people living in these old neighborhoods. These votive items seem to have been there for a very long time and have acquired a patina of age.
A rudimentary, and seemingly abandoned, spirit house platform and beer offering.
We walked into the old wet market and discovered it abandoned for the day. Very interesting to be in here with nobody around.
We walked over a bridge to get to the markets and saw this image: a solar-powered khlong boat "bus" and the new Pink Line Sky Train.
The Minburi Market is framed by several canals (khlongs). This boatman is waiting for a fare.
Life along the Minburi Khlong.
An old canal rice barge tied along the Khlong. A lovely scene.
Shed houses on stilts in the canal . . . so fascinating.
Idyllic Thai canal life.
It was a very, very hot afternoon, so we walked quickly through several markets in search of the air-conditioned coffee shop. I have many entries elsewhere on this blog inside the wonderful Thai markets.
We did stop now and again when an amazing image presented itself. Fresh fish with accouterments.
Marvelous patterns everywhere.
After a pleasant day spent in the Minburi Market, I took the recently opened Pink Line Sly Train home.
Pak Nam Pran Beach Kite Festival

On the morning of April 14, 2024 a friend sent us an e-mail with an attachment about a kite festival not far away. Sure, why not, and we can find a sweet place to eat too after beach combing.
We saw some amazing kites that afternoon . . . but we couldn't stay all day.
We learned that there is a big kiting community who travel from festival/event to event to fly and show off their kites. Most participants had several kites.
The event organizers were first to put up a kite with the locale banner.
The first decorative kite to go up was this amazing stingray kite. Some kiters told us this kite was made in Germany and was very expensive, several thousand dollars. It was 40 metres long!
So beautiful flying above the blue sea and sky!
The detail on these kites was remarkable.
Launching one of these amazing kites took considerable technical skill.
I thought launching one octopus kite was quite a feat, but two!
Two octopus kites up and flying.
I thought launching two octopus kites was quite a feat, but three!
All three up and flying . . . but wait!
WOW! These guys put up four octopus kites tethered on a common rigging with an auxiliary kite to keep it all airborne. WOW!
It was an oppressively hot and humid afternoon . . . so we stayed under the trees . . . and left early for lunch.
A memorable afternoon of flying octopus and stingray kites!
We went on for lunch and a shore drive.
We had a fantastic Thai lunch at this old wooden hole-in-the-wall restaurant. Food photos were posted on-line (of course!).
On our way back to the car, we passed these squid drying on the sidewalk . . . with amazing shadow patterns!
These are going to be tasty!
We drove south on a small rural road that hugged the seaside and arrived at Khao Kalok Beach. Beautiful.
Such a sublimely beautiful place.
We will come back to this place . . . .
We bought water at this beach side eatery . . . it was just too hot and humid to beach comb much. We went back. It was a good day.
Khao Bin Cave, Ratchaburi Province, Thailand

Just exploring the Thai countryside while my wife plays golf . . .
Not too far from my home in Bangkok (Pakkret).
I've been using Google Maps to find points of interest in the Thai countryside. Lately I have been punching in the word cave and have "discovered" many interesting places. Khao Bin Cave.
I went to the ticket booth to get a ticket and was told the cave was closed because they were filming a movie in it right now. I managed to talk them into letting me in with a guide so I would stay away from the filming crew. Thanks. And we went in.
Right away I knew I had made a good decision! But the first thing I noticed was how oppressively hot and humid it was in the cave! Although it was mid-90s (f) and 50% humidity outside in Thailand at the time, it was MUCH hotter and more humid inside. I would guess 110f and humidity above 90% . . . an incredible heat index! Fortunately I had a big water bottle. The guide said, "Walk slow. Drink water."
This cave was one of the most interesting I have been in since Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, USA.
What sets this cave apart from the others, for me, is the amazing variety of formations.
A nicely maintained path leads through the cave. It is about a kilometer to the exit at the far end.
This big flowing stalactite with green moss was fantastic. I assume the heat and high humidity, along with the cave lighting supported just the right conditions for this life to thrive here.
A good walk taken.
They weren't actually filming a movie . . . just setting up the lighting.
Such an interesting, and well-lit cave. Great photos at every turn in challenging low light photographic conditions (hand held).
I have been in many caves in Thailand and all of them have had large Buddha statuary and altars . . . except this one. This is the only votive, reverential altar in the entire cave.
Stalactites galore!
Stalactites galore!
I have never seen this kind of stalactite in any other cave in my life.
A constant walk of amazement.
There were large rooms and narrower passages, each with their own unique mix of fascinating formations.
After 45 minutes of slowly walking through this fantastic place . . . in high heat and humidity . . . we neared the exit. I drank a whole bottle of water before I entered and a whole bottle of water while in the cave . . . and had completely soaked my clothing all the way through with sweat.
I felt the "cool" outside air before I saw the exit stairs. I say cool, but it was 96f outside . . . such a difference to the inside sweltering, and somewhat dangerous, air inside the cave.
As my guide (who didn't want to be photographed) and I left the cave, a highly tattooed movie production technician was reentering the cave after stepping out to "cool off.
Chinese New Year in Bangkok's Chinatown

I saw this in my feed online and thought it might be interesting to go to the Bangkok Chinatown for Chinese New Year. I had never been to Chinatown on Chinese New Years in all my years in Bangkok . . . plus, the Bangkok Chinatown is the largest Chinatown outside of China. I took the Bangkok underground and popped out . . .
[This trip was also an opportunity to test my new camera, the Fuji X-T5, in a variety of challenging lighting conditions: bright sunlight, deep shadow, and night street photography. The X-T5 takes 40mp photos, but are posted here in only 850px on the long edge. You be the judge . . . but I am very happy with the results!]
. . . I popped out a few blocks from the center of Chinatown . . . in the middle of a huge crowd. It seems that I was not the only one with the idea.
Part of the crowd was congregating around this Chinese Temple. We found out that one of the Thai Royal Family was due to arrive there soon to pay respects. It was a big day in the Bangkok Chinatown.
I was hot and thirsty so I bought a pomegranate juice and was happy.
We cut through an alley to get to the center of the action. The whole highly decorated area was a crush of people, many of whom were foreign tourists.
The many small Chinese temples were busy with devotees leaving alms and donations and being blessed by the monks.
Every imaginable kind of 'altar toy' was for sale in gold and red. Fantastic!
This good natured monk seemed to enjoy giving water blessings to whomever stopped and donated.
We explpored deep down the beautifully decorated side streets of Bangkok's Chinatown.
Chinese New Year is a traditional time for fruit purchasing, apparently.
These ice blocks sitting in an alley looked inviting . . . as a shortcut over to the next street . . . and as a way of avoiding the crushing crowds.
Chinatown alleys always offer up surprise images, like this very old small industry.
Spotted amid the complex patterns of the alley was some kind of temple . . . let's explore . . .
Looking inside, we found this marvelous Chinese Buddhist Temple. Serendipity!
The temple inner altar was fantastically decorated.
The inner temple altar in all its phantasmagoria!
Incense pot . . .
The main altar displayed the pantheon of Chinese spiritual deities and revered monks behind glass.
The opportunities for amazing photos were endless here . . . I took many more excellent photos in there than I have posted here . . . perhaps I need an entry just for this marvelous place.
These were very low light (and smoky) conditions for photography . . . such beauty everywhere!
There were several small "side altars" around the inner chamber.
We spent quite a abit of time inside the Chinese Temple . . . and could have spent a whole day documenting this old, photogenic, spiritual space . . . but we left for the alley again and onward to the New Year celebrations about to happen.
Back out in the small alley . . . it is fun to explore for images here.
Many visual wonders to see along the alley walls . . .
We popped out on the very crowded main street leading to the performance stage . . .
Moments before the street was finally closed to auto traffic . . . and vendors and 'selfie' takers took over.
Four local ladies all dressed up for a night of celebration.
Plenty of goodies to eat . . . healthy and otherwise!
As evening approached the crowd migrated toward a "main stage" for the nighttime events.
It became almost impossible to get to the intersection where the stage was set . . . but we somehow pushed our way through.
Revellers found time to pose with traditionally dressed street photo hawkers.
We finally made it to an area behind the stage where the handlers of the dragon were waiting to do their dragon dance down the crowded avenue.
The dragon head . . . staged and ready.
We roamed the side streets looking for interesting images to capture with our cameras. We are never disappointed in Bangkok Chinatown for photogenic scenes.
A beautiful Chinatown scene . . .
These small side street restaurants would become full after the street celebrations later in the evening.
The crows were becoming a crush on the main avenue . . .
The anticipation was just killing him!!!!
Night Arrives!
Night arrived at last . . . and we wriggled our way through this crowd to an area behind the stage where the performers were getting ready for the show.
Fantastic costumes everywhere back stage. . . .
A photographer's dream!
A wonderful array of traditional costumes.
The backstage area almost warranted its own blog entry.
New Years' revellers taking a load off their tired feet . . . and checking their phones for vital communication.
The backstage entrance light tunnel was popular.
There was no way to get close to the Dragon when it made its way out into the crowd . . . too many iPhone photographers!!!
I did manage this shot of the departing Dragon by holding my camera over my head. Amazing.
After the dragon departed we decided it was time to beat the crowds back to the underground station, and headed out . . . but still with camera in hand for the fantastic night images.
Yes, we "fought" our way back through this crowd . . . but people were good and generous with our passage.
A beautiful array of lighting above . . .
The street food vendors were doing a brisk business after dark. Here rice-cooked-in-bamboo . . . delicious!
People were out for a nice meal on the Chinatown streets tonight.
Long lines at this stall . . . it must have been good and tasty.
Preparing Northern Thailand spicy sausage . . . yum-yum!
We left the crowded main celebration avenue and walked along a parallel street . . . there was no shortage of photographically interesting things along this route.
A Thai Buddhist temple (Wat) lit up.
"Why not keep the shop open a little later tonight . . . maybe make some extra sales, what with the big crowds and all."
Why not set up a couple of card tables for those treasures you have for sale?
A real jumble sale. This one was very sad to see . . . someone was very poor. I looked for the seller, but could find nobody. I left 100 baht (US$3.oo) on the table as a donation.
This night busker had it all . . . even his own light show!
This Buddhist votive statuary shopkeeper had a brilliant way of lureing customers into their shop . . . and it worked:
I bought the Ji Gong effigy (far right, top, third from right) for my collection.
At last, a shortcut back to the MRT underground station.
Then onto a crowded MRT underground train home. [This is the ONLY person on the train NOT wearing a mask . . . an American, of course!]
I have so many wonderful memories from that evening spent among the thousands celebrating Chinese New Year in Bangkok's Chinatown. It was a visual extravaganza . . . and a photographers dream!
Loei, Chiang Khan, and the Mekong River

Back in December 2020, just as COVID 19 was bursting on the international scene and choking Thailand's tourist industry, the Thai government came up with a brilliant scheme to give vouchers to Thai residents for discounts at Thai resorts and restaurants in 'tourist areas' to spur more 'in country' tourism by Thais. It worked . . . we took a road trip north to Loei, Chiang Khan, and the Mekong River.
Our route had us drive straight through to Loei from our home in a northern suburb of Bangkok.
The majority of the drive north to Loei was on modern, divided expressway. However, as we neared Loei the road reverted to a 2-lane country road. We were lured into this strawberry stand with the promise of delicious fruit.
They were growing their own strawberries here . . . but they were asking a very high price for them. We declined to purchase any strawberries here.
This is the old Loei I came to see . . .
Loei is a provincial market town in the north of Thailand. It is still "old Thailand" in Loei. I last visited here about 20 years ago . . . and yes, it has changed a great deal.
But there is still a lot of the old Thailand I know and love in Loei.
The street food in Loei is excellent . . . and the people friendly.
The old downtown of Loei still has locally-owned department stores and "supermarkets" like this one.
A street corner in downtown Loei. I love snooping around in these old Thai market towns.
We stopped in this hole-in-the-wall restaurant for delicious noodle soup.
A busy market town serving a large agricultural community.
The things you see in Thailand! Yes, it was Christmas season even in Loei, Thailand. They celebrate everything here!
We walked through the downtown and found the banks of the Loei River. The bridge led to a beautiful city park.
There was fun to be had in Loei.
I sat across the street in a hipster coffee shop while my wife shopped in a fine traditional Thai textile shop across the street.
Yes, the hipster cool coffee shop can be found throughout the entire planet . . . even in the remote old market town of Loei.
Always interesting old stuff to be found in old Thai village stores.
Our very good, and very cheap Au Place Hotel in Loei.
Just a half block away from the hotel on a rural street we found this stylish Vietnamese restaurant.
We spent a couple nights in Loei and would venture out into the countryside in search of interesting things to see. We found this amazing Buddhist Temple (Wat).
There were caves with Buddhas to explore at this wat.
There was this very beautiful marble temple on the wat grounds.
The marble temple was very interesting inside.
Marvelous light and reflection inside the marble wat.
We found this marvelous restaurant for our dinner on the second night in Loei.
The "elephant restaurant' interior dining area.
We had a fine meal in this old wooden room with traditional spirit masks hanging around.
Back at our hotel . . . they had the grounds lit up like a carnival!!!
The next morning we said good-bye to Loei and hit the road for then short drive north to the town of Chiang Khan along the Mekong River.
We stopped at a riverside resort as soon as we arrived at the river . . . and this was out first view of the mighty Mekong River.
We quickly found our charming old wooden guest house.
Our guest house was right on a kind of 'walking street' through the riverside village. The Mekong River is directly behind the row of houses and shops to the left.
Chiang Khan is a lovely and funky old Thai town with interesting shops and bike rentals.
With both front and rear doors open, you can look right through this hostel to the river behind it.
The many shops lining the walking street had ample supplies of local handicrafts to meet the tourist demand.
A guest house with street side 'beer chairs' . . . perfect for people watching. I couldn't help but notice the Brew Dog Punk IPA bottle . . . from Aberdeen, Scotland, my former residence.
Such an interesting and photogenic little town.
Some shops hung fabric against the harsh afternoon sun.
Each shop-front seems to have its own personality, and the photographs are like portraits.
Beautiful local, high quality traditional textiles.
There were also many shops selling the usual array of souvenir 'touristwear.'
There is no shortage of restaurants and places to buy good, expensive coffee.
I love photographing these old wooden shops . . . anywhere in the world . . . but Chiang Khan had hundreds of them, and all with amazing shapes, features, colors, and textures.
A beautiful shop-front portrait. The harsh afternoon sunlight actually enhances this photo by accentuating the wood grain and colors.
Another fabulous paneled storefront with Chinese lanterns. Lovely.
Just so much to see, notice, and photograph in this sweet little riverside town.
There was also some very nice chalk public art here and there.
Sweet chalk street art.
A very inviting bakery . . . delicious too!
Thai aesthetics are always fascinating and gorgeous. It's all in the details. Here, a detail of the interior of our guesthouse.
When walking around such these richly aesthetic places with a camera in hand, I am prone to take these kinds of "still life" photographs: pleasing arrangements of objects in fascinating light.
Another "still life" of an old art gallery.
A very old wall revealing ancient building techniques.
Wooden wall with broom and ash tray.
Chalk graffiti on old panel shop doors . . . there is a story here.
Old panel shop doors reflected in a stainless steel table. Nice. These "still life" photo opportunities were endless in Chiang Khan.
A very nice tuk-tuk, although I never saw anybody riding in one . . . everybody walked around the little town.
We were getting tired and sore walking around the sweet town . . . deciding what to do next . . .
Massage! That's what's next!! The massage shop owner was very kind.
a 2 1/2 hour Thai massage will cure whatever ails you, that's for sure! This street side massage room was so beautiful. Just breathtaking!
We spent part of our days walking along a path next to the Mekong River.
Looking across the Mekong toward the 'wild side' of Laos.
Riverboat ferry both local people and tourists up and down the river.
Mekong River boats at the ready.
A fisherman going home. Surprisingly, I did not see very many fishermen out on the river.
The fiew upriver toward the smoky Lao hills from Chiang Khan.
When the sun set we headed to the night market street.
As the light faded, and the heat dissipated, it seemed that every Thai tourist in town left their guesthouse and headed to the main walking street.
The darker it got, the bigger the crowd under the colorful, and fading sky.
At last the sun had fully set.
Many of the shops, restaurants, and bars that were closed in the afternoon opened for the throngs that came out at night. This craft beer joint was a welcome stop for me.
The interior of the craft beer hall.
The Thai hippies who ran the craft beer hall had a fantastic collection of beers and ales to choose from.
The town became even more photogenic at night. BBQ beef street hawkers.
The many stalls set up along the night street became a 'night market' - a favorite of Thai people and visitors to Thailand. There was a wide variety of things for sale. Nuts! I love nuts!
All the night market visitors brought their appetites . . . and were rewarded with a wide variety of delicious Thai specialties to eat.
Street performers in their traditional 'hill tribe' costumes entertained the gathered crowds.
My favorite street performer was this young busker playing electrified traditional old Thai music in a homemade outfit. Cool.
We enjoyed out nights walking along the Chiang Khan night market street.
After two nights in Chiang Khan we woke up early and said good-bye to the river and headed south.
Khon Kaen
We were about 30 minutes out of Chiang Khan and decided to take a different route home to Bangkok. Neither of us had ever been to Khon Kaen . . . so why not?
We didn't do too much sightseeing . . . just drove around town . . . found a great restaurant on Google . . . and found this magnificent wat to go in . . .
We were very glad we went inside.
There are many different altars in the large inner space . . . each with a group of people paying respects.
Very special light falling on the various Buddha images.
Pots for making donations and making wishes.
Such a pretty flower memorial altar.
This hyper-realistic wax monk was too realistic . . . and creepy.
We paid our respects here and then chatted with a monk before leaving. We knew we haddn't spent enough time in Khon Kaen and vowed to return.
We left the next morning for a 7 hour drive home.
It had been a wonderful vacation in the middle of the COVID Pandemic!