My most current blog entry:
I am just back from a three day week-end in Singapore, a city I lived in during 1988.
They have a knack for organizational ideas in Singapore . . . not all of them are winners across the genders.
I came for the food and photography. Here I am in front of the Hua Yu Wee seafood palace. It doesn't look like much . . . but . . . . . .
. . . the chili crab was from heaven. Devine!
It was also Moon Cake Festival time in Singapore.
Moon cake comes in all kinds of flavors, fillings, and types.
Part of the fascination with moon cakes are the boxes they come in . . . the boxes scream, "Special!"
The boxes are often very beautiful.
We brought along an extra suitcase along just so we could bring back the very best moon cake available in Singapore for family and friends back in Bangkok (where, my wife says, the moon cake is inferior).
Singapore is also known as the Garden City: every square foot of it is gardened, tended, trimmed, and mowed. The flowers are fantastic.
The ubiquitous tropical Bird of Paradise is to be seen everywhere.
Even the wilting and drying buds of the Bird of Paradise are beautiful.
Actual living grasshoppers are a testimony to "not too much" chemical insecticides.
A tiny orange world on a hedge row.
These flowers were so very tiny.