Love My New Car: The Juke NISMO

Another one of the wonderful things that came with the recent move to Abedeen, Scotland has been the acquiring of a new car. My 21st car.
And not just any new car . . . I ordered a special edition AWD Juke NISMO.
Yep, a Nissan Motorsport-tuned AWD Juke with 200hp, a brilliant interior, and outstanding high performance driving characteristics. I LOVE this car!

Oh yeah . . . my wife got a new car and we both got a new place to live!
My wonderful wife's new car is a 2014 VW Tiguan TDI SE AWD in the color Java. It's a fantastic piece of technology: over 50 miles per gallon.
The Tiguan looks good parked next to our new residence in a traditional, turn of the century, grey granite house.
The neighborhood is really sweet too: Old Europe.
Home Sweet Home.
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