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We Have Arrived

After ten days of searching all over Aberdeen for a place to live (that's another story!), we found this wonderful 1880s grey granite ground floor flat in a great part of town that had just been restored and modernized.


One grey day in early September our personal shipment from Bangkok arrived at our new home in Aberdeen.


Our good and hard-working union porters quickly unloaded their truck . . . .


. . . making many trips back and forth.


When they finished carrying in all our boxes, the house was full!


The packers spent the next hour unpacking all the little things the Thai packers had so carefully wrapped in bubblewrap and paper.  The good news was these guys took away all the waste and empty boxes for recycling.


They were a happy crew who enjoyed commenting on our Thai art.


We have been enjoying decorating pur new home with the wonderful things we shipped to remind us of Thailand.  The spirits in these statues also had some adjusting to do.


I think they like their new home.


Although our new home was rented furnished, we needed to make a few strategic purchases to make everything perfect.


Our new home was just completely restored and refinished to it's original 1880s condition, but with a new kitchen and bathroom.


The original corniced ceilings are like new.


The house gets great light.  Being this far North, it is important.


New carpeting too.  There is a sweet, old-fashioned, old European feel to our new home.


Before our shipment arrived, we drove our rental car around the beautiful Aberdeenshire summer countryside.


Yoo, of course, travelled all summer with her golf clubs, so we wasted little time discovering the many great golf courses in this part of Scotland.  This, and the following photos, are at Deeside Golf Club, just outside of Aberdeen.


Deeside Golf Club.


When in Scotland . . . see the castles!  On a rainy afternoon we went castle hunting with the advice of some local Scottish ladies.  This is Crathes Castle . . . . a National Trust listed site.  The interior was incredibly restored to the original 15th century accuracy.  Nice . . . unfortunately I was not allowed to take photos inside.


Crathes Castle has magnificent grounds . . . and the view from the tower was stunning on this rainy day.


A reflective moment high in the castle.

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