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Jakarta, Java, Indonesia

I recently spent eight days in Indonesia, three days in and around the capitol Jakarta, and five days in and around Yogyakarta, in Central Java.  This young Indonesian tourist was in Jakarta.  Modern Jakarta.  I was as much a curosity as was this young Indonesian girl.


It was my first time in Jakarta, so a quick look through a borrowed Lonely Planet Guide to Indonesia led us to the old colonial Dutch quarter. There is not much left of the Dutch influence in Jakarta.


One can rent a bicycle and ride around the old Dutch settlement.  Interestingly, you also rented a matching sun hat.


There was a charming Old World feel here.


We went to a small cafe on the square and another waiter insisted I see the upstairs renovations.  Nice light, no?


Our waitress was as efficient as she was beautiful.


I was very interested in the carts, as usual. These carts are the subject of another entry elsewhere.


I am a big fan of photogenic dilapidation; Jakarta abounds in this particular subject matter.


Our driver dropped us off at a very, very local electronics mart - in old Chinatown.  We went looking for coffee and asked for directions everywhere until we found what we were looking for.  These people yelled in unison, "No Coffee Here!"


We were finally directed to a long, hot workmen's "luncheria" where, I am sure, there had never been a tourist before.  We were the sudden entertainment . . . and the object of much curiosity and rib jabbing among the Indonesian customers.


Jakarta is a huge sprawling city with monumental traffic snarls . . . "What, me worry?"


Every square inch of Jakarta is filled with somebody doing commerce . . . . some more happily than others.


It was my first trip to Jakarta, so I went to some of the "tourist spots" . . . and ran into other tourists there . . . duh! My visiting friends from Oregon, Jeff and Sharon are in the background.

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Reader Comments (1)

I lovveeee this!!!

January 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSuniti

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