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    Chatuchak Week-end Market

    I spent the day at Chatuchak Week-end Market . . . along with a couple of hundred thousand other people. It is an amazing place: 35 acres of over 5000 stalls with everything on earth for sale.  It is just an interesting place.

    The narrow isles fill up as the day goes along.  Around 200,000 people visit on an average Saturday.

    In addition to the shopping, there are some pretty good places to eat Thai "street food" . . .  and take wonderful photographs.

    The weather was not too hot today, but the sun was very strong.

    My daughter, Kirsten is visiting and she enjoys the shopping at Chatuchak (called "JJ Market" by the Thais). Nice Magritte touch on this display, no?

    Entertainers abound: There are young Thai traditional music buskers too. This boy was very good.

    All kinds of buskers: this xelephone orchestra was very good.

    A Thai clown musician.

    He was happy, but couldn't really sing or play his guitar.

    Chatuchak is a photographer's paradise . . . especially if you like color and pattern studies.

    Color and pattern . . . .

    Color and pattern . . .

    Color and pattern.

    I'm afraid this shop keeper has had too much color and pattern.

    I think this fellow has had more than too much color and pattern.

    There were too many interesting things to see and photograph.

    And I learned one very important global political lesson today: there are indicators that the Islamic Revolution may be coming to an end soon.  I just get that feeling.

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      Great Web-site, Maintain the excellent work. Appreciate it!

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