A Park Right Around The Corner!
Saturday, January 17, 2015 at 7:42PM
Dr. Jeff Harper in Aberdeen, Scotland, Flowers, Johnston Park, Aberdeen

When we moved into our new house in the Rubislaw Park area we had no idea that just a block away was beautiful Johnston Gardens . . . .


. . . and not just ANY park . . . a park that has won a national award!


And a magnificent park it is too.


I feel very lucky to have a park so nearby.


Johnston Gardens has many wonderful features, like this pond . . . with many migrating ducks and a few sea gulls.


A small stream (Rubislaw Burn) runs though the park . . crossed by this blue bridge.  Sweet.


In late July there was a riot of greenery.


Although Johnston Gardens is really only one city block long, it is full of paths and places of interest.


Small paths run here and there offering secluded benches for the contemplation of Nature.


Here and there the garden benches offer vistas across the burn.


Aberdeen can be a wet and rainy place, so a Classical shelter is provided for getting out of a downpour.


A charity for nature sponsored a 'Wild Dolphin' project which raised over 500,000 Pounds when many of these dolphins were auctioned.  They were placed all over the town.


As it was late summer, most of the flowers were long gone . .  but the berries and seeds remained.


There are so many photogenic scenes in Johnston Gardens.  I vowed to return during all the seasons to see nature's changing face.

Article originally appeared on Travel Photographer (http://drjeffbangkok.com/).
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