Summer 2014 Memories: Grandson Visits . . . 
Saturday, November 29, 2014 at 8:59PM
Dr. Jeff Harper in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Castles of Scotland, Flowers, Scotland Travels, The Sea

We had beautiful weather here in the northwest of Scotland last summer (2014).


Of course, having 'beautiful weather here' includes an occasional splash-and-dash thunder storm across the fields of Aberdeenshire.


Summer flowers were bountiful . .  so were the bees.


We enjoy having visitors.  In late June my daughter, son-in-law, and grandson visited.  Visits are a good time to visit castles here in the shire . . . and the beautiful formal gardens which surround them.


Grandson enjoying a fountain.


We take all of our visitors to Crathes Castle, a bout 10 miles from home.  The gardens there are extensive and well taken care of.


I could spend days in these formal castle gardens.  Fortunately, I did, as we had many visitors last summer.


I spent a good deal of time taking bee photos . . . they are always moving around from flower to flower, so it takes patience to get a photo like this.


Wonderful flowers at Carathes Castle.  But we moved on.


A castle garden offers much to look at . . . and photograph.


I need a new macro lens . . . .


I'm going to get a "Flowers of Scotland" book, that's for sure.


In mid-summer, some of the flowers had already dried into seeding buds.


The garden designer was some kind of genius: the right leaves and plants near the splashing fountains.  Marvelous.


Flies play their part in pollination as well.


Tiny bugs too are all a part of the garden ecosystem.


I don't know what these are called, but I want 100s of them all around my house.  They are fascinating.


I spent some time watching this furry little bee wend his way in and out of all the budding flowers on this stem.


Castle gardens are worth a visit if you are ever in the UK or Scotland.


The metallic quality and color of this dried flower was mesmerizing.


We take all of our visitors to Stonehaven harbour . .  it's beautiful and close to Dunnotar Castle.


Hey!  The Circus Is In Town!  Many circuses visit the small towns all over Scotland in the summer.  We got stuck behind a circus truck all through a mountain pass in far northern Scotland later in the summer.




We take everybody who  visits us to Dunnottar Castle, perhaps one of the most amazing castle ruins in the world.  Magnificent views too.




Keep on truckin'.


My Grandson's World.


We stopped at a Farm Store that has a 4X4 training course . . . and this old APC.


The Marine Hotel in Stonehaven has an excellent selection of real ales.


When visitors come you spend a lot of time sitting around the house talking. . . and taking photos of your grandson . . . and the house plants.


I planted zucchini squash in large pots in the front yard of our pervious house . .  they thrived in the long days . . . but as soon as I moved them to the new house . . . some kind of bug ate the maturing zuchs!  NOOOOO!


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